The Role Of A Level Of Analysis In Spelling Errors In A News Text


  • Mila Azqi Anggraeni
  • Fitania safitri
  • Riyang Pambudi


language analysis, errors Language


Along with the times, there have been advances in various fields of life, such as science, technology, economics, and sports. Apart from that, the scientific field of journalism has also experienced changes and developments. One of them is the mass media or online media in presenting various journalistic products and is quite commonly known by the general public. According to Hafied Cangara "media is a tool or means used to convey messages from communicators to audiences, while the notion of mass media itself is a tool used in conveying messages from sources to audiences now mass media is not only in the form of print but also in the form of electronic media and online media. Electronic media consists of radio and television. While online media is media that uses the internet. Developments in the media are the influence of changing times so that everything uses sophisticated technology.


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How to Cite

Mila Azqi Anggraeni, Fitania safitri, & Riyang Pambudi. (2024). The Role Of A Level Of Analysis In Spelling Errors In A News Text. Educational Harmony : International Journal of Education and Mathematics, 1(2), 01–09. Retrieved from