The Influence Of A Analysis Compliance In The Structure Of A Sentence On The Text


  • Windy Esti Andari
  • Aidha Putri Azmi
  • Sari Suswati


compliance, sentence structure


Language errors are the use of language both verbally and in writing that deviates from the rules of Indonesian grammar. Meanwhile, the definition of language error analysis is a work procedure commonly used by researchers or language teachers, which includes: activities of collecting samples of errors, identifying errors contained in the samples, explaining the errors, classifying the errors , in this case sentences, which are also units The smallest language, can be spoken or written. In oral form, sentences are pronounced in a rising and falling voice, loud and soft, paused, and ending with a final intonation followed by a silence that prevents the combination or assimilation of sounds or other phonological processes.


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How to Cite

Windy Esti Andari, Aidha Putri Azmi, & Sari Suswati. (2024). The Influence Of A Analysis Compliance In The Structure Of A Sentence On The Text. Educational Harmony : International Journal of Education and Mathematics, 1(2), 10–16. Retrieved from