Role Of a Analysis Within an Song Title With The Theme Of The Other Side Of The Eye


  • Arga Adriansah
  • Alif Fatul Mega Nenda
  • Fatimatul Labibah


Song role, song analysis


Communication can be conveyed not only in direct verbal form, but through writing, both verbal and non-verbal. Because the essence of the purpose of communication is to convey messages from the communicator to the communicant through the medium of the media used. One of them is through the medium of songs, even more than just words, songs can also represent all the feelings that are being felt. Through songs, messages are conveyed usually called lyrics, are building blocks which can actually be said to be a type of free poetry literary work. Songs can also be musical arrangements to which lyrics can be added.


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How to Cite

Arga Adriansah, Alif Fatul Mega Nenda, & Fatimatul Labibah. (2024). Role Of a Analysis Within an Song Title With The Theme Of The Other Side Of The Eye. Educational Harmony : International Journal of Education and Mathematics, 1(2), 28–33. Retrieved from