Influence In Analysis Of Hyperbolic Figures Of Speech In The Greatest Showma Theme


  • Kukuh Yoga Fadillah
  • Yasinta Fitria Sawalina
  • Ida Faridah


Language Understanding, Song Analysis


Use figure of speech hyperbole in song This used as encouragement for people who often marginalized Because own physical no​ perfect Can get up and show that they can too reach success of the method used by the author is method descriptive qualitative method pouring thought in a way typical . Every lyrics in A song own message For the listener.


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How to Cite

Kukuh Yoga Fadillah, Yasinta Fitria Sawalina, & Ida Faridah. (2024). Influence In Analysis Of Hyperbolic Figures Of Speech In The Greatest Showma Theme . Educational Harmony : International Journal of Education and Mathematics, 1(2), 34–38. Retrieved from